Usage of block LU-factorization for acceleration of coupled transmission lines time-domain response calculation tacing into account the substrate permittivity frequency dependency

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Usage of block LU-factorization for speeding up of time domain response calculation taking into account the substrate permittivity frequency dependency is investigated on example of a coupled microstrip lines. Correctness of the implementation of the block me-thod of LU-factorization in TALGAT system is demonstrated. Coarse segmentation of dielectric-dielectric boundaries with controlled calculation error are proposed. Expedi-ency of moderate coarse segmentation which gives 2-times speed-up with maximal error about 2% is justified.

Блочное lu-разложение, block lu-factorization, capacitance matrix, система talgat, talgat system, segmentation, time-domain response

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140191648

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