Use of rights to the results of science and technology in the quality of subject matters in crediting

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The author analyzes the possibility of using exclusive property rights to the results of scientific and technical activities as collateral in lending. The conditions under which it is advisable for a credit institution to use an object of intellectual property as an object of pledge are determined. Possible mechanisms are considered, allowing the creditor to receive a refund of the loan amount granted on the security of such objects. Recommendations are given on the legal provision of a guarantee of the transfer of rights to the subject of pledge from the pledgor to the pledgee in the event of foreclosure on the subject of collateral and the definition of the value of the collateral value.


Object of intellectual property as a subject of pledge, exclusive rights to the results of intellectual activity, the results of technical activity, the collateral value of intellectual property rights

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170172320

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