Using the principle of gravitational stabilization and orientation in the design of small spacecraft

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Currently, most small spacecraft (MCAS) are becoming increasingly relevant in the modern space industry. To successfully complete the tasks assigned to them, the ICS must be oriented in some way in space relative to the Earth. The orientation and stabilization system (SOS) is responsible for this task, which is necessary for monitoring and controlling the position of the MC in space. At the moment, the tasks for the MCA basically do not require complex turning maneuvers and high orientation accuracy, therefore passive and combined SOS have become widespread for them. Such systems have a long service life, are characterized by simplicity, high reliability and low weight. One of the typical systems used in modern space technology is gravity systems. The principle of gravitational SOS is based on the use of gravity acting on a body and moments of inertia relative to three mutually orthogonal axes. This article proposes a 3U CubeSat ICA project with a gravitational orientation system. The design of such a satellite requires a gravitational stabilization device, which is necessary to deploy the ICA after separating it from the launch vehicle, as well as to create a restoring moment. The gravitational device is supposed to be placed between the rigidly bonded 2U MC and the third U MCA. The advantage of this design is the fact that it becomes possible to place more payload on the MC without overloading it with various devices for the orientation and stabilization system.


Small spacecraft, gravity orientation system, moment of inertia, damper, gravity rod, actuator

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148329065   |   DOI: 10.31772/2712-8970-2024-25-2-214-222

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