Using technologies of precision farming for creation agrochemical cartograms

Автор: Bobkova Yu.A., Lobkov V.T.

Журнал: Вестник аграрной науки @vestnikogau

Рубрика: Сельскохозяйственные науки

Статья в выпуске: 4 (67), 2017 года.

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Necessary prerequisite for the design and development of technology of the differentiated application of fertilizers and other agrochemicals is mapping underfloor diversity soil fertility, which can be achieved by an agrochemical survey of fields of elementary sections, which allows with sufficient accuracy to reflect this diversity. According to GOST 28168-89, the size of the elementary plot of land for the territory of the Orel region is about 8-10 ha. The composite sample weighing not less than 400 grams is drawn from a 20-40 point. For precision farming technology, such accuracy is clearly insufficient. The article proposed various methodological approaches on the representation of the data of agrochemical examination of agricultural land using global positioning systems. The study was conducted on gray forest soils in case of the cultivation of perennial grasses, where was not use fertilizers. After clarification of the boundaries of the surveyed area in the software package «Credo» on it was applied a grid of elementary sections size 50 by 50 m. Sampling was carried out in the tops of the squares, and then each sample was analyzed separately. To compare the results, simultaneously, they carried out sampling in accordance with the instructions of GOST 28168-89. The article describes the modern methods of mapping the heterogeneity of the soil cover on a separate field, taking into account their specific features for the differentiated application of fertilizers. It was shown that when cultivating crops using the technology of precise farming in agrochemical field survey, it is necessary to reduce the size of elementary sections, the configuration of which should approximate the square one. The width of such a section should be convenient for the application of mineral fertilizers with a spreader. Differentiated application of fertilizers will allow to improve the efficiency of applied fertilizers and improved crop growth within the field. This will increase the gross yield production and improvement of crop quality. To reduce the number of selected samples is recommended to use maps yields crop.


Precision agriculture, система gps, global positioning system (gps), soil fertility diversity, differentiated application of fertilizers, yield mapping, yield electronic maps

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IDR: 147124434

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