Using task approach for developing the ability of future teachers to solve professional problems based on the analysis of pedagogical situations

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The paper is devoted to using a task approach as a technological basis for developing the professional ability of future teachers to solve professional problems basing on the analysis of pedagogical situations. Considering the increasing social demand for young teachers, the purpose the university training is reconsidered and subjects of the pedagogical cycle are reoriented toward active learning. Active learning technologies are expanded through creative activities of teachers and students (simulating activities, role-playing and business games, training activities). The studied materials are of certain practical importance, since the program curricula under analysis includes a workshop course in solving professional problems. Simulating typical pedagogical situations when training future educators (case analysis, designing modes of action in particular situations, acting out the actions in particular situations) allows the students to convert and synthesize their knowledge gained during theoretical course and use it to solve practical problems long before practical training at school...


Pedagogical analysis, task approach, professional task, pedagogical situation

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IDR: 14116872

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