Testing of biological preparations and chemical fungicides on oats under the conditions of the Tula region

Автор: Dyatlova N.A.

Журнал: Вестник аграрной науки @vestnikogau

Рубрика: Сельскохозяйственные науки

Статья в выпуске: 4 (73), 2018 года.

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The article discusses the results of the joint application of immunomodulators and chemical fungicides against the basic leaf diseases of the new oat type Zalp under the conditions of the forest-steppe zone of the Tula region 2014-2017, which were used for presowing seed treatment and spraying of plants in the boot stage - the start of ear formation in the recommended doses. Positive effect of biological preparations on the field germination of seeds and on the development of plant organs was noted. The root length in the first week of plants development on all treatment options was the maximum relative to control (9.1-70.7%). The variant Kolfugo super (etching) + Alto super (spraying) shows the tendency to increase the growth of plant organs during all the observation periods: on the 8th day +11.9% sprouts and +9.1% root length, on the 15th day +2.7% and +0.8%, respectively. In the current agro-weather conditions of the period 2014-2017, lower rates of disease development or their absence on the Kolfugo Super + Alto Super variant were marked. In 2015, the intensity of defeat of crops with Septoria avenae was two times lower relatively to control. In 2016-2017, with the spreading of Puccinia coronata, single traces (0.5%-1.1%) of the disease were observed. This option had containment of the disease for 10-12 days, which made it possible to preserve the flag leaf green for a longer period. The minimal degree of infection with Drechslera avenae (up to 5%) is also noted. A significant increase in yield to monitoring over the years of research was +0.57 t / ha (2014), +0.14 t / ha (2015), +0.77 t / ha (2016), +0.81 t / ha (2017). The minimal effectiveness in reducing the damage and development of diseases showed the variant, processed with Agat 25K.


Oats, biopreparations, etchant, fungicides, resistance, yield

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147230613

IDR: 147230613   |   DOI: 10.15217/issn2587-666X.2018.4.13

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