The global phenomenon of cryptocurrencies: comparative analysis of market trends in Russia and the world

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The article examines the concept and types of cryptocurrencies, analyzes the regulatory framework of blockchain technology in Russia and abroad, and explores the prospects of cryptocurrency development. The article provides a detailed overview of cryptocurrencies and their various types, including Bitcoin, Ethereum and Ripple, discusses the advantages and problems associated with the use of cryptocurrencies, such as their decentralized nature, anonymity, and regulatory issues. The author analyzes the Russian government’s efforts to develop a regulatory framework for blockchain and cryptocurrencies, including the adoption of the law “On Digital Financial Assets”, which is intended to regulate the issuance, distribution and exchange of digital financial assets in Russia.


Financial system transformation, cryptocurrency, digital financial assets, digital finance, digital ruble, digital tokens

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IDR: 148328300   |   DOI: 10.18137/RNU.V9276.24.01.P.003

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