Study of electric consumption in a household land using the TEMP-3 device

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Analysis of the power consumption parameters of household plots and rural residential buildings makes it possible to more accurately predict the power consumed by such objects, and to more rationally indicate the connected power when submitting an application for technological connection to electrical networks. The article presents selected results of an analysis of the power consumption of a personal plot, including a rural residential building. The measurements have been carried out using a mobile portable electric timer-meter TEMP-3, which made it possible to obtain instantaneous and root-mean-square values of current, voltage, and power consumption. Based on the analysis of the measurement results, a comparison has been made of the actual consumed and calculated power of the facility, and distortions in the quality of electrical energy were identified. It has been shown that, using TEMP-3, it is possible to obtain information about the operating schedules of individual electrical receivers, the times at which they are turned on and off, and the duration of operation. This can be used during energy surveys of various electrical consumers.


Power consumption, power consumption of a personal plot, mobile portable timer-electric meter, temp-3

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IDR: 147242263

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