Study of transmission parameters and mutual influence of signal-blocking cables with current-conductive cores with increased flexibility

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In recent years, the intensive development of passenger high-speed and freight heavy traffic сreated increased demands on the organization and provision of transportation, the development and implementation of new, primarily infocommunication technical means and technologies of the track complex. Russian Railways is implementing a number of significant infrastructure projects, several of which have obtained federal status. One of the main directions of of the railway network development is its widespread electrification, development and implementation of innovative infocommunication technical means and technologies for the railway infrastructure of the track complex. During the operation of electrified railways, generted high-power electromagnetic fields posing a serious problem related to electromagnetic compatibility of equipment. Therefore, requirements are placed on the quality of cables of signaling, centralization and blocking systems of railways are rather high. The article observes the transmission parameters and mutual influence of signal-blocking cables and current-carrying cores with high-flexibility.


Signal-blocking cable, low-frequency characteristics, high-frequency characteristics

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IDR: 140302543   |   DOI: 10.18469/ikt.2023.21.2.03

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