Study of the potential for the developments commercialization in region’s academic sector

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The study is aimed at identifying positive and negative trends, assessing the performance of government institutions, innovation support funds and the infrastructure being created. A significant number of unclaimed developments indicate the unrealized potential of the academic sector, which traditionally, since the times of the USSR, has had a broad material base and a deep fundamental component of scientific research. Commercialization of unclaimed developments is especially relevant during the period of accelerated import substitution. The sanctions introduced contribute to the outflow of foreign companies from the domestic market, which provides scientists with new opportunities to promote their developments. The results of the study showed a steady trend towards an increase in the share of unclaimed developments in the period from 2010 to 2017, while sociological research data for 2024 indicate a change in trend and a sharp increase in interest in developments. At the same time, the share of government funding for research and development through grants and innovation support funds is steadily increasing. The problem of breaking established links with other institutions in joint research and development has become much more acute. The strengthening of applied research continues with a steady decline in fundamental research, which is due to the low demand for fundamental science in the country.



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IDR: 140307213   |   DOI: 10.36718/2500-1825-2024-4-30-40

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