Studying of the reasons of deviant behavior and conditions of formation of adaptive behavior of primary school children
Автор: Gudkov Yuriy Eduardovich
Журнал: Вестник Бурятского государственного университета. Философия @vestnik-bsu
Статья в выпуске: 13, 2010 года.
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The article discusses the results of sociological survey, studying the problem of deviant behavior according the following lines: assessment of reasons and forms of deviant behavior; assessment of correctional and educational possibilities of physical training; children's reflexive position concerning physical training and problem behavior. 680 teachers and 312 pupils of 1-4th forms took part in the questionnaire survey
Deviant behavior, adaptive behavior, physical-sanitary activity, physical-sanitary environment, pupils of 1-4th forms
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 148179284