Study of impregnation of textile materials in the field of micro-wave radiation

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The aim of the work is the experimental study of the process of impregnation of textile materials and determination of main regularities of the process. The authors conducted the study of the process of impregnation of textile materials in conditions of influence of microwaves. The obtained analytical dependences allow to determine surface tension, viscosity, contact angle and effective radius of the capillaries of textile materials in the process of impregnating them with the coupling agent in the field of microwave radiation. The efficiency of the impregnation of textile materials with different process parameters is investigated. The results can be used to determine optimal process parameters of impregnating of textile materials. Results of the work allow to predict change of physical-mechanical and physical-chemical characteristics of the sizing composition and treated fi brous material in the process of final finishing in the microwave processing conditions. Results of the work allow to optimize technological parameters of impregnating.


Surface tension, viscosity, contact angle, effective radius of the capillaries, volume rate of impregnation, impregnation of textiles, efficiency of the impregnation

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142184854

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