Study of performance filter-drier elements house hold refrigeration devices

Автор: Kozhemyachenko A.V., Lemeshko M.A., Novikov A.V.

Журнал: Технико-технологические проблемы сервиса @ttps

Рубрика: Диагностика и ремонт

Статья в выпуске: 4 (30), 2014 года.

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The article discusses the causes of clogging of the filter elements filter drier in the operation of household refrigeration appliances such as compression causes a reduction in their energy efficiency. Recommendations on the choice of filter elements filter drier and the adsorbent used in them in order to improve durability and reduce the energy consumption of household refrigerating appliance during operation.

Household refrigeration appliances, operating deposits, filter element, filter-drier, energy efficiency

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IDR: 148186202

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