Investigation of non-traditional preparations affect for the activation of plant growth processes while using zero tillage

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Agriculture as a branch of the world economy plays a significant role in human life and first of all it is associated with the concepts of soil cultivation and plant cultivation. There are different types of soil cultivation: plowing, beetroot, rotary. Currently, a special place belongs to minimal tillage, which is becoming more widespread and getting scientific justification. It is a basis of ecologization of agriculture, self-restoring agriculture as global trends. These processing methods include strip-till, no-till. The No-Till system is part of the minimal processing technology, which is the most natural one, but its application is associated with a number of difficulties that impede the spread of this type of soil treatment: weediness of crops, a decrease in nitrogen content, excessive compaction of soil, an increase in the infectious load on plants. To develop effective ecological agriculture, unconventional technologies of plant growth stimulation can help to solve these problems as they are most natural ones. Eco-friendly farming practices, together with the application of natural methods of influence on plant growth and soil fertility, in general, will also cope with the main environmental problems. The study is aimed at identifying the effectiveness of non-traditional drugs, growth stimulants, trace elemental chelating fertilizers by no-tillage technology. The article presents the first results of the experiment on the identification of effective types and combinations of ecological preparations and presents the prospects for identifying the possibility and determining the practicality of using non-traditional technologies in order to improve the efficiency of using zero tillage under the conditions of central and central-chernozem area.


Strip-till, no-till, land farming, soil cultivation, plowing, no-tillage, milling, minimal tillage, system changes, soil self-restoring, non-traditional methods of plant growth stimulation

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IDR: 147124512   |   DOI: 10.15217/issn2587-666X.2018.2.124

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