Investigations on the deformable solid body mechanics in SibSAU

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In this review article the authors summarize the results of the research on the mechanics of deformable solids in the Siberian State Aerospace University from the year 2000 to 2013. All articles are divided into three groups: 1) analytical studies of equations of mechanics of solids; 2) the numerical methods of solution of mechanics of solids; 3) the experimental methods in mechanics of solids. The first group includes mainly the works devoted to the analytical solution of the equations of elasticity and plasticity. They used symmetries and conservation laws, which allow to build not only exact solutions of equations of elasticity and plasticity, but also to solve boundary value problems for the equations. The second group contains works devoted to theoretical basis of numerical calculations; there are modifications of known methods that are tailored to address specific problems arising in the modeling of structural elements, in particular, of spacecrafts. The third group includes works that are devoted to the experimental study of the materials used in the construction of elements of spacecrafts.


Mechanics of deformable solids, analytical and numerical solution, experimental methods

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148177120

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