Historical documentary game as a modern mass media product

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Purpose. The article is devoted to the consideration of narrative media strategies for creating a longread of historical themes in the Russian Internet space. We are talking about the documentary-gaming network resources of Mikhail Zygar - “1917. Free history” and “Map of history”. Results. It is concluded that history is in many respects an object, which is almost endless material for various “experiments with formats”. The article presents the different views of researchers on the nature and modern mechanisms of mediastoritelling. It is noted that the game focuses the reader-user on the immersive nature of the historical Internet product: describes such ways to attract the addressee's attention, such as animation, infographics, reception “past in the present” - social networks become the mechanism of narrative explication of historical events. The materials of the “Map of History” are considered separately from the point of view of their compositional construction. Conclusion. It is argued that the authors of the project have created a complex and interesting rhizomatic mass media product, which can be perceived simultaneously as historical evidence, an exciting documentary game, and a journalistic longread, and an artistic text.


New media, storytelling, longread, transmedia narrative, transmedia storytelling, free history, documentary game, animation, project, social networks

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147220125

IDR: 147220125   |   DOI: 10.25205/1818-7919-2019-18-6-166-176

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