Historical geography of the Kargopolsky district, middle of the XVI, first quarter of the XVII centuries

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Article is devoted to historical geography of the Kargopolsky district of the middle of the XVI first quarter of the XVII centuries the Kargopolsky district was created in the basin of the river of Onega, stretched from the South - from the Lake Lacha for the North to coast of Onega Bay of the White Sea. In the West the district bordered on Zaonezhsky country churchyards; in the east - with the Dwin district; in the southeast - with the Vazhsky district; in the northeast - with the Dwin district; in the south - from Charondskaya okrugy and the Belozersky district. The historical geography studies areas in their historical development: as geographical conditions are connected with processes of colonization of lands; the reasons influencing development of the territory during various periods of history that allows to predict further development of the region in the economic and historical and cultural relation. Relevance of research is defined by it. Scientific novelty locates that the actual material is systematized and to be introduced into scientific circulation the new data from written sources connected with historical geography of the Kargopolsky district...


District, half, volost, village, country churchyard, poonezhye, camp, volostka, boundary, dragged

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14116996

IDR: 14116996

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