Historical retrospectives of the problem of studying the productive forces of Russia in XIX - first third of XX centuries

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Historical retrospectives on the problem of studying the productive forces of Russia in XIX - first third of XX centuries are presented. Points of view of L.V.Tengoborsky, V.I.Vernadsky, P.Valden are given. The problem of studying the natural riches in the light of development of well-being of the country has found reflection in the innovative work of the economist-statistican, statesman Ludwig V.Tengoborsky "On productive forces of Russia" (1854-1858). The publication about Russia has been predetermined by researches of known economists of the end of XVIII - first half of XIX centuries (A.Smit, D.Rikardo, Z.-B.Sei, F.Skarbek, D.F.List, D.F.Brei, K.Marks and F.Engels). With the beginning of the First World War the academician V.I.Vernadsky has put forth the problem of studying the natural productive forces of Russia and proposed the program. In 1915 under his initiative the Commission on studying the natural productive forces of Russia was created. Since 1916 the "Productive forces of Russia" journal began to be published, in which first number academician Paul Valden had indicated the problems of applied natural sciences in development of productive forces of Russia and their rational careful use.Scientific research of natural riches of our country invariably was one of the first obligations of the Imperial Academy of Sciences throughout all period of its activity. In the beginning of the 1930-s Commission of Studying the natural productive forces {KEPS) was transformed to the Council of studying the productive forces (SOPS) which carried out the general management of research activity of institutions of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In close contact with SOPS there worked the Polar commission of the USSR Academy of Sciences which in 1933 organized a complex expedition to the Northern land. Since the 1930-s the main direction in studying the productive forces was the formation of territorial structure of economy of the country. After the Great Patriotic War the largest shift of development of productive forces in east areas was outlined. The Komi Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences which in 1948-1955 started work on the collective monograph “Productive forces of the Komi ASSR”, took the worthy place in this program. Thanks to efforts of scientists and practical state, public and private activity enormous successes were achieved in knowledge of productive forces of Russia.


Productive forces, economic independence of the country, academic science, european north of Russia

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