History of winter rye cultivation in the Samara region

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The article presents the stages of cultivation of winter rye in the Samara region. The analyzed culture for many centuries occupied a leading position in the grain economy of Russia and Samara region. But in the current natural and economic conditions, its importance and acreage are now sharply reduced. In the 50s and early 60’s of the last century rye crops in the region remained stable at the level of 400-600 thousand hectares In 1963 under the crops of winter rye were employed 689,2 thousand ha or 22% of the total area. Since 1972, wheat crops in the region began to prevail over rye crops. This was facilitated by the emergence of high-yielding varieties of winter wheat, which gave a higher yield on a high agricultural background than rye. In 1981 to 1993, with the advent of new varieties of winter rye in the area of crop area has remained stable at an average level of 220.9 thousand hectares.However, from 1994 to the present time, the area decreased to the level of 60-106 thousand hectares. the Main reasons for the decline in area - high gross charges in 1997 and 2001, provided overproduction, low grain prices and breeding imperfection of cultivated varieties of rye. Over the last 5 years varietal register of the Russian Federation added 14 new domestic varieties of rye, 7 of region - 3. This is a Gift (2016); Talovskaya 44 (2016); Brocade (2016). These varieties, compared with previously zoned, more productive, resistant to lodging, less affected by diseases and have a high chance to surpass the productivity of winter wheat at a lower intensity of cultivation. However, in market conditions, new domestic varieties is created is not enough, because of what cortosone is slow, and the manufacturer is faced with a limited choice. At the same time, the register is full of varieties not of domestic production. Only the registry of the Russian Federation 2018 102 varieties, of which 32 (31,4%) - foreign. Currently, in the Samara region, about half of the acreage is occupied by the Saratov 7 variety. Varieties Marusenka, Bezenchuk 87 and Antares in the structure of crops occupy from 8 to 14 %. To increase the demand for crops and stabilize the acreage it is necessary to create winter rye combining high yield with resistance to lodging and to fungal diseases, winter and frost resistance, drought resistance, with good grain quality (technological or bakery).


Winter rye, selection, varieties

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ID: 148313906
