From the history of the creation of a planetary power supply system of the higher reliability category Andreevsky cross of rural self-supporting immortal ecological settlements-quadropolis- electronic cells of automatics PAOE Holy cross

Автор: Sharupich Vadim Pavlovich, Sharupich Pavel Vadimovich, Sharupich Sergey Vadimovich, Sharupich Tamara Spiridonovna

Журнал: Агротехника и энергообеспечение @agrotech-orel

Рубрика: Электротехнологии, электрооборудование и энергоснабжение агропромышленного комплекса

Статья в выпуске: 4 (37), 2022 года.

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Creation of a stable cost-effective power supply system of the highest reliability category of St. Andrew's Cross settlements with a total network capacity of up to 15 MW, which is an electric cellular automaton of the planetary energy network of cellular automata - ecosphere-compatible self-supporting immortal settlements of the PAOE type Holy Cross on 600 ancestral estates of the settlement network today, is the basis for the development, construction and operation of networks power supply, which allows connecting neighboring settlements located on the same diagonal through the corner and central substation, and through neighboring 110/35/10 kV substations of consumers on the line of the same sector, to provide constant (not disconnected) power supply.


Planetary power supply system, the highest category of power supply reliability, st. andrew's cross of rural settlements-quadrupoles, electronic cell machines, paoe holy cross

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IDR: 147240721

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