The changes in humus state of the farm soils of Krasnoyarsk region under the activity of the vermikompost

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The study presents the data of two experiments on the influence of different types of vermicompost and doses on humus state of chernozyom and agrogrey soil, i.e. the main arable soils of Krasno-yarsk forest-steppe. Field experiment was made on the land of “Zarya” poultry farm located in Emelyanovsky area of Krasnoyarsk Region during 2010-2013 on ordinary chernozyom according to the following scheme: 1) N60P30 background - control; 2) background + vermicompost (VK) of 5 t/hectare; 3) background + VK of 10 t/hectare. Vegetative field experiment was made on the plot of Krasnoyarsk Agricultural University in vessels without bottom having the diameter of 50 cm. The objects of researches were agrogrey soil and dif-ferent types of vermicompost received by the method of a vermicompost making from birds’ dung and different woodworking industry waste (bark, hydrolytic lignin, sawdust). It has been shown that the vermicompost possessed ureaze activity which is to promote the acceleration of transformation of organic matter. Indeed, the introduction of different species and doses of vermicompost improves hu-mus the condition of arable soils of Krasnoyarsk for-est-steppe: the total humus content in chernozyom increased by 6-11 %, in agrogrey soil - by 2-24 %. The carbon of organic matter was dominated by carbon of stable humus, which accounted for 85-86 % and 85-92 %, respectively. There was a ten-dency to increase the proportion of mobile humus substances under the influence of introduced vermicompost. In chernozyom among mobile forms compounds extracted with 0.1 n. NaOH (13-14 %) prevailed. The proportion of water-soluble com-pounds did not exceed 1 %. Alkaline hydrolyzable compounds (7-12 %) also predominated in mobile humus of agrogrey soil, the proportion of water-soluble compounds was 2-4 %, depending on the experiment’s variant. Agrogrey soils were more responsive to vermicomposts introduction, it was experimentally determined that the optimum fertiliz-er dose for grey soils was 6 t/ hectare, for chernozyoms - 5 t/hectare. Among vermicomposts the vermicompost on bird dung litter mixed with pine bark was the most effective and showed the highest catalase activity.


Humus condition of the soil, agrogrey soil, vermicompost, organic waste, earth worms, enzymatic activity, common chernozyom

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IDR: 140224277

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