The change of morphological characteristics of chernozyoms on the slopes under the influence of many years of ploughing in the conditions of forest-steppe zone of Trans-Urals

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The majority of fields of forest-steppe zone of Trans-Urals are on the slopes of hills, manes and uval. Under dump system of processing mechanical erosion of soils takes place. Land relief plays one of crucial roles in agrogene transformation of the soils involved in agricultural crop rotation. The data on studying the change of morphological properties of leached chernozyom, created on various sites hill, are given in the study. The researches were conducted in forest-steppe zone of Trans-Urals of Tobol-Ishim Entre Rios. As control the virgin site was chosen. It was established that the power of genetic horizons, particle size, structural and modu-lar distribution of arable chernozyom at the top of the hill had no essential difference from the control. The site of arable chernozem on a hill slope with the steepness of 6-8 degrees was subject to strong mechanical and water erosion. The power of hu-mus layer was 30 % less than in natural analog. The particle size distribution of arable horizon was characterized as sandy loam. The color of humus layer was of grayish-brown shades. At the foot of the hill the increase in humus layer from 44 to 52 cm due to soil particles runoff and humus from the slope was noted. The structure was dusty light loam with low water proofness of units. The excess moistening caused by fast running off water from the height led to the increase in the depth of soak-ing. It promoted washing away of carbonates deep into the profile. The line of boiling up was in the lower part of the hill at the depth of 113 cm, where-as on virgin soil it was 97 cm. Long use of dump system of processing on slope fields will lead to the development of degradation processes, deteriora-tion of fertility and decrease in arable land efficien-cy. The development of research based system of agriculture, introduction of crop rotations with per-ennial grasses, refusal of plowing in favor of no-tillage technologies is necessary for the prevention of mechanical and water erosion of slope fields. The use of the system of differentiated introduction of fertilizers for compensation of soil heterogeneity on nutritious mode is recommended.


Slope fields, mechanical erosion, plowing, morphological fea-tures, humus layer, soil heterogeneity, fertility mon-itoring, lixivious chernozyom, agrogene transformation, parti-cle size distribution

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IDR: 140224180

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