Changes in the structure of households’ financial assets in conditions of geopolitical instability: problems and prospects

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The growing impact of geopolitical events on the global economy makes it important to examine their impact on household financial assets. Wars, political instability, terrorist attacks, pandemics and migration crises are the key factors affecting household financial wealth. The subject of this paper is the impact of geopolitical environment on financial structure and household wealth. The object of the study is the economic dynamics of households. The purpose of the article is to identify the main factors of geopolitical instability that affect the structure of financial assets of households. The study applied the analysis of existing scientific works, methods of comparative analysis, synthesis and evaluation. The author examines in detail how geopolitical instability, manifested in the form of wars, political crises, terrorist attacks, pandemics and migration crises, affects the financial structure of households. The article analyzes how households adapt their financial strategies to the changing environment and what new approaches they choose to preserve and increase their assets. In addition, the article highlights methods and measures that can help households strengthen their financial security in the face of instability and provides advice on savings planning, insurance, investing and other aspects of financial management. It is concluded that geopolitical challenges represent an important dimension affecting households’ financial position, which emphasizes the need to anticipate risks and adapt to changing conditions to ensure resilience and well-being. To maintain financial resilience, households need to adapt to changing conditions by adopting flexible strategies to manage their resources.


Households, financial assets, geopolitical instability, financial security, asset structure, incomes, flexible financial strategies

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IDR: 148328301   |   DOI: 10.18137/RNU.V9276.24.01.P.044

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