Modification of the economy in the regions of the North on the basis of the traditional Russian moral and spiritual values

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The article is devoted to the assessment of the possible impact of the legally proclaimed traditional Russian moral and spiritual values on the economic structure of the country, especially in its northern regions. The consistent implementation of these norms can and should lead to very profound changes: switching of enterprises from profit-making to service of people, increasing the importance and support of family, developing new approaches concerning “northern privileges” and competition, tactful attitude towards human life, changing principles and mechanisms in the public administration system. However, it is emphasized that major changes in this area should not be forced but carefully grown, transferred “from heart to heart”.


Traditional russian moral and spiritual values, northern regions, economy, faith, mercy, love

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 149145636   |   DOI: 10.19110/1994-5655-2024-4-68-76

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