Electoral legislation changes as a factor of electoral system development

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In the article electoral legislation’s changes connecting with innovations (novelties) and the return to the norms which used to operate but they were cancelled and then were restored into legal regulation of elections are reviewed. In different times electoral legislation underwent changes; it was often connected with the formation of post-Soviet electoral legislation, with the development of electoral procedures as well. The change of the federal electoral law demands it to be fitted with the electoral laws of constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Attention is paid to the fact that frequent change of electoral legislation doesn’t provide electoral legislation’s consistency. A legal analysis demonstrates how electoral procedures excluded from the electoral law have returned there again. Lately electoral legislation’s changes don’t actually develop electoral system but justify her stagnation. There suggested working out the concept of electoral legislation’s development for the nearest 10 years.


Elections, electoral legislation, electoral system, changes, innovations, development, stagnation, federal law

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142232617

IDR: 142232617

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