Edouard de Laboulaye on the state, its limits, the right and freedom

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In the article the statement of views of the French scientist, lawyer, writer, teacher, the publicist and politician E. de Laboulaye on the state, its structure, the law and freedom is given. The main milestones of his life connected with the history of the XIX century France are shown. The attention is paid to E. de Laboulaye’s justification of the wide personal freedom providing plenty of room for all abilities of human spirit and therefore developing individual action, particularly in the economic sphepre. The role of the state is reduced by it to a possible minimum; the main, its almost only duty he considers to be maintaining personal, public and in particular property safety.


State, right, freedom, personality, property, usa, parliament, authoritarian power, constitutionality

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142232613

IDR: 142232613

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