Efficiency of large pharmaceutical business in Russia

Автор: Ovod A.I., Zyukin D.A., Nozdracheva E.N., Nadjafova M.N.

Журнал: Вестник Алтайской академии экономики и права @vestnik-aael

Рубрика: Экономические науки

Статья в выпуске: 9-3, 2022 года.

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Despite the obvious negative impact of COVID-19 on economic life, there are still some industries for which the current epidemiological situation has become a driver for more dynamic development. For the pharmaceutical industry, anti-Russian sanctions and the subsequent pandemic have become drivers of a fundamentally different development: if earlier the industry remained highly dependent on imports, then in recent years the trend towards localizing imported production and increasing domestic production potential has intensified. In the course of the work, an assessment was made of the impact of the pandemic on the performance of the 10 largest pharmaceutical manufacturers in Russia based on an analysis of the main indicators of their financial and economic activities in 2019 and 2021, and identified trends and their causes. It has been established that at the end of 2021, JSC R-Pharm remains the largest pharmaceutical manufacturer in Russia, with a revenue of 185.4 billion rubles, and the second position is occupied by JSC Generium with an indicator of 118.5 billion rubles. Despite this, in terms of net profit, the rating enterprises occupying positions 2-4 are in the lead, while the leader in terms of net profit is Generium JSC with an indicator of 64.5 billion rubles. For the majority of enterprises in the rating, the general trend is to improve financial stability, liquidity and performance, which is a direct result of increased demand for pharmaceutical products and a natural increase in their cost.


Pharmaceutical industry, production, pharmaceutical products, revenue, profit, financial stability, efficiency, pandemic

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142236251

IDR: 142236251   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.2486

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