Efficiency of human capacity utilization in plant breeding

Автор: Proka N.I.

Журнал: Вестник аграрной науки @vestnikogau

Рубрика: Экономические науки

Статья в выпуске: 2 (71), 2018 года.

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Quantitative and qualitative parameters of human capacity of the agrarian sector of economics play a decisive role in the country food security, until the condition that all the directions of its formation, utilization and development must be strictly regulated as the national resource within such staff policy framework of Agro Industrial Complex. However, the problem of development of the staff policy composition and structure remains unsolved in methodological and practical aspects. This determines in an initial stage the necessity to develop the system of the integrated indicators that are considered the staff policy fundamentals and that permits not only to establish its regulatory parameters but also to estimate its efficiency. We suggest mini-system of indicators with reference to which we estimate the level of utilization efficiency of human capacity by the example of plant breeding sector in agricultural organizations in the Orel region during 2004-2016. The main trends are determined and the comparative analysis of the certain social and economic indicators characterizing the state and the development directions of the agrarian sector staff policy is carried out. Scientifically based system of the indicators of formation and estimation of the branch staff policy includes the following indicators: the staffing needs; training; estimation; development; labor motivation; labor input payment and staff investments. It will contribute to determine forecasting parameters of human resources potential in Agro Industrial Complex, to create informative normative base for its monitoring at that or other management level and will allow to develop the reasoned proposals on regulations of the main directions of the staff policy development.


Human capacity, plant breeding, indicator system, agricultural organizations, labor productivity, salaries, labor costs, staff policy

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147124509

IDR: 147124509   |   DOI: 10.15217/issn2587-666X.2018.2.107

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