Efficiency of using semen of breeding bulls of domestic and imported breeding enterprises
Автор: Sharkaeva G.A.
Журнал: Теория и практика современной науки @modern-j
Рубрика: Основной раздел
Статья в выпуске: 10 (112), 2024 года.
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The breeding value of cows is ensured by highly organized selection and breeding work in the herd. The use of valuable stud bulls is one of the most important methods for increasing the productivity potential of dairy cattle. In the Moscow region, there are currently two organizations for artificial insemination of farm animals registered in the State Breeding Register of the Russian Federation: - JSC "Head Center for Reproduction of Farm Animals"; - JSC "Moscow" for breeding work. The herd of Lesnye Polyany LLC in the Pushkinsky District of the Moscow Region is represented by domestic breeding stock, and the breeding core was formed by selecting the best in productivity and selection traits, using the semen of highly valuable stud bulls of domestic and imported selection - improvers of the Holstein breed. The main experimental part of our work on the study of the productive and biological characteristics of cows was carried out in the period from 2014-2019. in the breeding farm of Lesnye Polyany LLC in the Pushkinsky District of the Moscow Region based on 169 heads of daughters of bulls-producers of Alta Genetics Russia LLC, 307 heads of daughters of bulls-producers of Moskovskoye JSC for breeding work and 200 heads of daughters of bulls-producers of GTsV JSC. The animals were analogous in terms of calving date, breed, feeding conditions, maintenance and operation.
Lifetime productivity, cost price, economic efficiency, semen, lactation, months of life
Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140307530
IDR: 140307530