Effectiveness of countermeasures in animal production to reduce 137Cs transfer to farm products in radioactively contaminated areas (migration and dose aspects)

Автор: Kudryavtsev V.N., Vasilev A.V., Krasnova E.G., Gubareva O.S., Ratnikov A.N., Pasternak A.D., Goryainov V.A.

Журнал: Сельскохозяйственная биология @agrobiology

Рубрика: Экологические проблемы в животноводстве

Статья в выпуске: 6 т.38, 2003 года.

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For one of districts of the Bryansk region, severely affected by the Chernobyl' accident, 137Cs proportionality factors in the trophic chain of cattle and 137Cs accumulation in animal products on different scales of countermeasure application have been calculated. Effectiveness of countermeasures for reducing the radionuclide transfer to milk and meat was analyzed as the most crucial products responsible for the dose to the population living in the contaminated area. Annual 137Cs uptake and dose burden to the population were assessed pesulting from the consumption of the above products. Scenarios were developed for countermeasure strengthening while toughening the sanitary-hygienic standarts for 137Cs content in animal products.


Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142132933

IDR: 142132933

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