The efficiency of soil-protective system of farming in the development of fallow lands in the Yenisei Siberia

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The study presented the materials of generalization and analysis of the effectiveness of the soil protection system of agriculture in modern conditions of the development of deposits in the erosion group of lands of arid steppe agro-landscape region of the Republic of Khakassia (LLC "Tselinnoe"), located in the South of Central Siberia. The goal was to analyze the effectiveness of the soil protection system of agriculture in modern conditions of the development of fallow lands in arid steppe region of the Republic of Khakassia. For effective use of land resources, land grouping was carried out. Eroded, saline, and lithogenic lands were identified. Highly eroded, saline, and stony soils were removed from arable land. The structure of arable land use was improved, the proportion of forage crops and bare fallow increased. The share of the latter was 20-25 % of the total area of arable land. In the structure of sown areas the specific weight of grain crops reached up to 45-50 %...


Agriculture, deposit, development, yield, grain

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140248953   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2020-4-66-73

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