The effectiveness of pharmaceutical mixture 2 at actinomycosis in cattle

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The purpose of the researches was to study therapeutic efficiency of medicine pharmaceutical mixture 2 for actinomycosis treatment in cattle atdifferent stages of illness. The researches were conducted in the Laboratory of Animals Diseases (the Department of All-Russia Research and Development Institute of Reindeer Breeding for Velvet Antlers, Federal Altai Scientific Center of Agrobiotechnologies). The object of the researches was cattle of different sex and age groups. As the material for microscopy the contents of actinomycotic granulomas served. The tests of purulent expirations were dissolved with water on watch glass and looked through against black background; small sand druse grains of yellow color were selected. Then they were washed out in water, kept 5-10 minutes in 10.0 % alkali solution and crushed between 2 subject glasses and further investigated with 50.0 % of water glycerin in a drop. They were painted according to Gram. For carrying out production researches the medicine (pharmaceutical mixture 2) for treatment of actinomycosis possessing antimicrobic, detoxicating, antifungal, anti-inflammatory action on the basis of crystal iodine, iodide potassium and hypochlorite of sodium with alkaline reaction at which molecular iodine forms the iodides promoting acceleration of oxidation-reduction reactions in tissues was made...


Actinomycosis, granuloma, cattle, localization, iodine crystal, abscess

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IDR: 140243436

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