The effectiveness of using foliar fertilizers on the yield of parental forms of corn hybrids

Автор: Dridiger V.V., Dolov M.S., Yakushenko E.G.

Журнал: Вестник аграрной науки @vestnikogau

Рубрика: Сельскохозяйственные науки

Статья в выпуске: 4 (109), 2024 года.

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The terms and methods of introducing nutrients for corn, taking into account their responsiveness to increasing (or improving) quantitative and qualitative indicators of grain yield, will reduce ineffective costs. The purpose of the research is to study the effectiveness of foliar fertilizing on the grain yield of parental forms of corn hybrids. The research was carried out on parental forms of corn of different ripeness groups selected by the Federal State Budgetary Institution All-Russian Research Institute of Corn: Maya M (FAO 350), Krona S (FAO 160), Nympha S (FAO 160), Vicoria S (FAO 160), Nasturtium SD (FAO 270) in 2022 -2023 on the experimental fields of the Federal State Budgetary Institution All-Russian Research Institute of Corn on ordinary low-humus, thick, heavy-loamy chernozem. Foliar treatment of corn plants was carried out in the 8-leaf phase. The effectiveness of complex water-soluble fertilizer Plantоfol 20:20:20 (2 kg/ha), tank mixture Biosil (30 ml/ha) + Agat 25 (35 ml/ha) and Lignohumate (150 g/ha) + Albit (0.040 l/ha) was studied. ha). The total area of the plots under the experiment is 3136 m2, the accounting area is 392 m2. During the years of research, during the growing season of corn, the amount of precipitation was: in 2022 - 275.5 mm, in 2023 - 342.4 mm, which was less than the norm by 124.5 mm and 57.6 mm, respectively, for the year. The grain yield of parental forms of corn hybrids in the control variant averaged 0.95-2.4 t/ha. Over the years of research, the effectiveness of using the mixture of growth stimulants Biosil + Agat 25 was high and the responsiveness of corn hybrids was within the range of 19.7-53.8% increase in grain yield. The parent form of the hybrid Nympha C is characterized by the greatest responsiveness to foliar treatment of plants with mineral fertilizer and growth stimulants: the increase in grain yield was 34.1-53.8% compared to the control variant (2.11 t/ha).The responsiveness of plants of parental forms of hybrids to leaf treatment with an equilibrium mineral complex with trace elements Plantofol amounted to 11.1-46.4% of the increase in grain yield. High responsiveness is noted in the hybrids Nymph C (46.4%) and Nasturtium SD (35.4%). When using the preparations Lignohumate and Albit together on corn plants, the increase in grain yield was 16.8-34.1%.


Leaf processing, parental forms, corn hybrids, grain yield, efficiency

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147244955   |   DOI: 10.17238/issn2587-666X.2024.4.11

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