The efficiency of using liquid fraction of littered pork manure under spring wheat on meadow and chernozyom soil

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The purpose of the research was to study the effect of liquid fraction of pig manure on the productivity of spring wheat on meadow and chernozyom soil. The studies were conducted in FSBEI Omsk State Agrarian University in 2015-2017 on the variety of spring wheat "To the memory of Aziev". The contents of N-NO3 in the soil before sowing was 5.20-12.1, P2O5 - 113-120, K2O - 241-436 mg/kg. Spring wheat’s yield in the conditions of forest-steppe of Omsk Region for the vegetation of cre-ated crop on average for years of researches without application of fertilizers was 2.70 t/hectare, at applica-tion of fertilizers - 3.06-4.14 t/hectare. The application of 200 t/hectare was the most effective - the increase of the crop made 1.43 t, or 53.02 %. The payback of the fertilizer unit (1 t), with the maximum of 200 t/hectare was also in the variant and amounted to 7.2 kg. The introduction of liquid manure significantly increased the content of nitrate nitrogen (from very low to very high) and exchange potassium...


Spring wheat, efficiency, fertilizers, ma-nure quality, soil

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IDR: 140238120

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