The efficiency of modern development of laylands in the Republic of Khakassia (on the example of JSC ‘Tselinnoye’)

Автор: Chebochakov E.Ya., Shaposhnikov G.M., Murtaev V.N., Subrakov A.V.

Журнал: Вестник Красноярского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-kgau

Рубрика: Сельскохозяйственные науки

Статья в выпуске: 4, 2017 года.

Бесплатный доступ

In the study the results of generalization and the analysis of efficiency of development of laylands for JSC ‘Tselinnoye’ of Shirinsky area of the Republic of Khakassia located in the south of Central Siberia are presented. The dynamics of development of a 15-20-year deposit and the increase in cultivated areas, their influence on the efficiency of grain and leguminous crops and gross collecting grain and other indicators were analyzed before their intro-duction. For the purpose of increasing the produc-tion of grain and forages they were developed in 2006-2014 in steppe agroecological area of the East Siberian province of steppe zone. The devel-opment of laylands with broad application of devel-oped receptions of adaptive and landscape sys-tems of agriculture was carried out on free lands of the former state farms ‘Tselinnoye’, ‘Borets’, ‘Vos-tok’ of Shirinsky area. The analysis of current state of development of laylands shows that it has begun during the improvement of social and economic conditions, strengthening of material base of farms of the republic. In 2006 in Shirinsky area only 1.0 thousand hectares of laylands, from them in JSC ‘Tselinnoye’ 0.5 thousand hectares were mastered. The greatest squares of laylands in economy were developed in 2008-2011 (3.1-10.7 thousand hec-tares a year). By 2013 rates of their development considerably decreased (3.6 thousand hectares). The development of laylands and increase in culti-vated areas of grain and forage crops in JSC ‘Tselinnoye’ located in the steppe agroecological area promoted the increase of gross collecting grain in 2006-2014 in comparison with the period before their development (2004-2005), on average by 3.4 times the production of milk in 2.6 and meat - by 2.1 times.


Agriculture, deposit, development, productivity

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IDR: 14084903

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