Ecoenergy and ecotechnologies for agriculture

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Russia has chosen the path of large-scale modernization of food production with the use of resource-saving technologies and the greening of the agricultural sector. The agro-industrial complex is becoming more and more energy-intensive. The consumption of various types of energy resources is growing under the influence of the growth in the mechanization of crop and livestock production, the increase in electricity consumption in housing and communal services in rural areas. The provision of agriculture with promising equipment is now the main problem for the implementation of sustainable development of the country, increasing the competitiveness of the Russian agro-industrial complex [1, 2, 3]. For the production of environmentally friendly agricultural products, it is necessary to develop fifth-generation energy-saturated environmentally friendly agricultural machinery and its corresponding intensive machine technologies that use only environmentally friendly thermal and electrical energy. Now a big stake is being placed on traditional renewable energy sources: - the use of wind energy, currents, sea waves, the sun, etc. But, this energy will provide, at best, no more than 2-15% of energy needs. These energy sources will not solve the energy problems in agriculture on a global scale due to their high cost, complexity of design, dependence on the presence of wind or sun, and negative impact on the environment. Innovative technologies are needed to solve these problems in agricultural energy.


Vortex, vortex-oscillatory technologies, energy, ideal energy, innovation, extraction

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147241065

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