Ecological assessment of the action of selenium in a soil-plant system in the conditions of Western Siberia

Автор: Aleksandrovskaia E. Iu., Sindireva A. V., Ieronova V. V.

Журнал: Вестник Нижневартовского государственного университета @vestnik-nvsu

Рубрика: Экология и природопользование

Статья в выпуске: 1, 2020 года.

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Selenium plays an important antioxidant role in a living organism. At the same time, we often observe a deficit of selenium in natural environmental locations. Therefore, it is of great importance to elaborate and assess methods for the most efficient and environmentally safe intake of the necessary amount of this element in the human body with the consumption of vegetable food, among others. In this respect, the techniques of enriching plants with this microelement are promising. These techniques include additional introduction of selenium compounds into the soil and non-root intake. Our research consisted of an environmental assessment of the effect of selenium on biometric parameters, crop yield, and quality of spring wheat plants. Aziiev soft spring wheat, selenium microelement, meadow chernozemic soil were the objects of our study. It was determined that Se has a predominantly stimulating effect on the growth and development of wheat plants and their crop yield. A direct correlation between an increase in the applied doses of selenium and an increase in its content in wheat grain was identified. The results of our study can be applied for the development of appropriate methods for the use of selenium-containing micro fertilizers in certain environmental conditions.


Selenium, microelements, wheat, plant organism

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14117193   |   DOI: 10.36906/2311-4444/20-1/16

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