Ecological assessment of various methods of iodide potassium application under grain crops

Автор: Sindireva A.V., Kurdumanova O.I., Stepanova O.V., Gilyazova I.B.

Журнал: Вестник Красноярского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-kgau

Рубрика: Биологические науки

Статья в выпуске: 2, 2017 года.

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Agrochemical method is one of the most per-spective actions for increasing of iodine content in feeding nutrition supply of animals and the people. In this regard ecological assessment of various methods of application of microfertilizers in soil plant system is actual. For the assessment of influ-ence of compounds of iodine on a vegetable organ-ism vegetative experiments for the definition of in-fluence of various concentrations of iodinated ferti-lizers on the intensity of initial growth of seeds of grain crops (barley and oats) were made. Vegeta-tive experiments were made in 2013-2015 on meadow and chernozyom soil. Three methods of application of iodinated microfertilizers under grain crops, i.e. preliminary soaking, nonroot processing (potassium iodide solutions with concentration of 0.005, 0.01 and 0.02 %), the main adding of iodide of potassium into the soil were used (in the doses of 9, 12 and 15 kg/hectare). As a result of carrying out vegetative experiment the data on the influence of iodine on biomass, the height of plants and roots length were obtained. The influence of iodinated compounds on the indicators of growth and devel-opment of plants of barley and oats depended on the dose, microelement method of application, and biological features of culture. Iodine had the great-est impact on the mass of plants as oats, and bar-ley, thus the increase in this indicator by 16-41 % was noted. Using iodinated fertilizers increases the content of iodine both in soil and in plants in com-parison with background. The maximum mainte-nance of the microelement is observed at prelimi-nary processing of seeds of oats and barley. Straight line and close interrelation between the doses of iodine and its contents in the plant was noted. The coefficients of intensity of action of the microelement on chemical composition of the soil and plants were established. From ecological safe-ty point of view in experimental conditions using of iodine as microfertilizer does not promote its accu-mulation in plants in the doses dangerous to ani-mals and the people.


Microelement, iodine, vegetative experiment, grain crops, barley, oats

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14084841

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