The ecological assessment of the motor transport influence on fluctuating asymmetry of the bird cherry tree (Padus avium Mill) leaves

Автор: Chernykh E.P., Pervyshina G.G., Gogoleva O.V.

Журнал: Вестник Красноярского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-kgau

Рубрика: Экология

Статья в выпуске: 12, 2013 года.

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The issues of the motor transportation stream intensity influence on the fluctuating asymmetry of the bird cherry (Padus avium Mill) leaf plate are considered. The growth of the fluctuating asymmetry indices depending on the highway category is shown.

Leaf fluctuating asymmetry, bird cherry, highway, krasnoyarsk territory, developmental stability

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