The relevance of the environmental assessment of the air environment of the gaming gym

Автор: Bryskin A.E., Kalinina N.E.

Журнал: Автономия личности @avtonomiya-lichnosti

Рубрика: Экологическая безопасность

Статья в выпуске: 2 (32), 2024 года.

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High hygienic requirements are imposed on the sanitary standards of sport facilities, since the health - improving effect of physical education and sports depends on their condition. Special attention should be paid to the process of the influence of the air environment on the activity of external respiratory organs of those engaged in physical culture and sports. The article presents a study of the air environment of a gaming gym in the process of basketball training sessions. The influence of the content of various dust particles at different levels of the air environment of the sports hall was revealed. Recommendations are given for carrying out hygienic activities in the sports game gym.


Air environment, dust particles, respiratory function, students' health

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IDR: 142241104

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