Ecological features of Holakartikos crassipes collected from domestic goats in some areas of the Volgograd region

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The paper analyses the number and distribution of the lice population of species Нolakartikos сrassipes (Rudow, 1866) collected from domestic goats (Capra hircus) in the central part of the Volgograd Region in Dubovsky and Olkhovsky areas (dry-steppe zone) during all seasons of year for 4 years (2000-2003) and in the south-eastern part of the region and in Leninsky area (semi-desert zone) for 2 years (2010-2011),where the lowest and the highest infestation rates have been registered in different seasons and years have been studied. Peak of infestation of small ruminants was observed on the winter-spring period, notably in February, March and April. The highest number of the lice was noted in 2002-2003. (The Index of abundance was 56-46 pecimen, and the extensiveness was 50-60%). The highest rates of infestation were registered in Leninsky area in 2011. (In March the Index of abundance was 252, in April - 236 specimen, and the extensiveness was 70%). In the summer months and in the early autumn the finds of parasitic insects were few and sometimes in August and September they were not detected at all. Intensive growth of the number of external parasites were usually observed at the end of year, in December. The main locating of the insects in autumn-winter period was the bottom of the abdominal segment whereas in spring period they were also found out in the upper part of neck, areas of scapulae, dorsum, and in the top of the abdominal segment.


Ecology, parasitic insects, population, number, domestic goat, louse

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148203835

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