Ecological and agrochemical estimation of the influence of zinc on the yield and quality of medicinal plant tansy

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Currently, urgent tasks are the introduction of medicinal herbs in the culture, improving productivity and quality of medicinal raw materials. One of these techniques is a reasonable use of micronutrients (zinc) as fertilizer. The choice of this trace element due to its low content in the black soils of southern forest-steppe of Western Siberia. The paper studied the effect of zinc on the yield and quality of medicinal plant tansy. The field experiment was laid out in 2012 in 44 сельскохозяйственные науки the experimental field of the Omsk State Agrarian University. The experiment was added calculation doses of zinc (from 20 to 80 kg/ha). Zinc was added on the background N135P45K45. As used micronutrient zinc acetate ((CH3COO)2Zn - 29.7%). Research in 2012-2014, we showed that tansy in Western Siberia during the vegetation is able to form a complete mowing and provide yields over 3 years of absolutely dry matter 46.7-57.7 t/ha in making zinc fertilizer on the background of macronutrients combined 3:1:1. In the context of the actions and aftereffects of zinc fertilizer highest yield was 57.7 t/ha at a dose of 0.75 PDKZn (60 kg/ha. As a result of our research (the average for 2012-2014). Found that investigational medicinal raw tansy vitamin C content ranged from 4.3 to 6.3 mg% in making zinc. The content of tannins in the middle of the years of study varied from 5.8 to 8.8% with the introduction of zinc. The content of total ash does not exceed the level of 15% set by the State Pharmacopoeia


Tansy, zinc, yield, quality medicinal raw materials

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142199147

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