Ecological-genetic approach to protection the animal urbanized landscapes (on the example of modelling kinds in Moscow city)

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For the first time it is offered and approved in system of city especially protected areas (EPA) ecological-genetic approach to animal protection of the urbanized landscapes (methodology, concept, strategy, tech-nologies). On the basis of data about effective numerosity of the researched populations the forecast of extinction speed of Moscow modelling kinds populations of animals (one kind of ground molluscs and 2 kinds of brown frogs) is calculated. More than 56% of populations can disappear in nearest 100 years, from them about 28% - for 25 years with standard approach to animal protection (territorial protection). Offered ecological-genetic concept and strategy of animal protection include, also with territorial protec-tion, active restoration of gene pool of populations. Ecological-genetic principles and methods of preser-vation the variety and numerosity of animals anthropogenic ecosystems which efficiency is confirmed experimentally.


Population, gene pool, animal protection, urbanized landscape, ecological-genetic approach, forecast, strategy of protection

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IDR: 148199172

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