Ecological and economic efficiency of measures for the formation of cultural forest reclamation urban landscapes on the example of the Mikhailovsky forestry enterprise of the Volgograd region

Автор: Reshetnikova M.V., Zabaznova T.A., Karpushova S.E., Erokhina E.A., Sekacheva T.V., Makarova E.V., Ryzhova O.A.

Журнал: Вестник Алтайской академии экономики и права @vestnik-aael

Рубрика: Экономические науки

Статья в выпуске: 12-2, 2020 года.

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Discusses the results of research of features of geomorphological structure of the territory and composition of woody vegetation of urbolandscape South of the Oka-don lowlands for the purposes of determining ecological-economic efficiency of events in the formation of cultural lamellibranch of urbolandscape on the example of the Mikhailovsky forestry of the Volgograd region. The research region is part of the Central Russian geomorphological province of the East European plain and includes the geomorphological region of the Volga-Oka-don plain. The main types of woody plants in the green spaces of settlements in the Volgograd region are: balsamic poplars, black, pyramidal, hybrid, Robinia lzheakatsiya, squat and smooth elms, ash and Tatar maples, lanceolate ash. The necessity of preserving the natural resource and ecological potential of the studied region is proved. The stages of the study and the methods used are described. The main research method was the combined study of environmental conditions of morphological units of degraded landscape and forest reclamation measures. The calculation of the efficiency of planted forests is performed by the method of substitution or replacement costs, based on the energy and environmental assessment of the functioning of woody vegetation for gas absorption and oxygen release. The calculations were based on an estimate of the cost of producing a similar amount of oxygen from seawater by industrial means. The value of economic efficiency of sanitary and hygienic functions of forest plantations is calculated. The economic effect of bringing the state of plantings to the initial state as a result of land reclamation measures is determined. The profitability of the activities is determined.


Urban landscapes, forest reclamation measures, ecological and economic efficiency, woody vegetation, anthropogenic impact, oxygen, environment, ecological potential, sustainable development

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142225194   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.1523

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