The ecological and microbiological characteristic of some mineral lakes of Transbaikalia and Mongolia

Автор: Abidueva Elena Yurievna, Chzhao Zhi, Suvorova Valentina Andreevna, Sambueva Tuyana Badmaevna

Журнал: Вестник Бурятского государственного университета. Философия @vestnik-bsu

Рубрика: Химия

Статья в выпуске: 3, 2013 года.

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It has been defined that there is a high number of bacteria in water and bottom sediments of researched soda-salt lakes which perform aerobic and anaerobic decomposition of organic substance in alkaline conditions. It is shown that at the initial stages the processes of organic substance destruction are the most active in the conditions of high alkalinity.

Bacteria-destructors, soda-salt lakes

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IDR: 148181820

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