Economic assessment of status of factors of reproduction in agriculture

Автор: Zvereva G.P.

Журнал: Вестник аграрной науки @vestnikogau

Рубрика: Экономические науки

Статья в выпуске: 6 (69), 2017 года.

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The article outlines approaches and identifies indicators that characterize the reproduction of land, labour and material and technical resources in agriculture; economic evaluation of the condition and use of these reproduction factors is given. The study of the problem of the economic evaluation of reproduction factors was carried out on the materials of agricultural organizations in the Orel region. Studies have shown that land reproduction period from 2014 till 2016 was characterized negatively. Based on 1 hectare of sown area, mineral fertilizers were introduced 5 kg less than in 2014, and the rate of organic fertilizer application remained 1.3 tons. As a result, a direct relationship between factorial and performance indicators was observed. The yield of grain decreased by 21.3%, the production of milk and meat of cattle decreased by almost 6% per 100 hectares of farmland. The competitiveness of enterprises in the agricultural sector of the economy largely depends on the process of reproduction of resources. The average monthly salary of agricultural workers in 2016 was 22,274 rubles, or 96.3% of the average regional level. The significant approximating of the average wages in agriculture to the average salary in the economy of the region, as well as faster growth of labour productivity than the rate of wages growth indicates an increase in the attractiveness of this sector as a sphere of employment. The main indicator of the effectiveness of material and technical base usage is the return on total assets. In the agricultural sector of the region for each ruble of fixed assets value, 0.72-0.79 rubles of revenue are received. The low rate of return on total assets is explained with the imperfection of the organizational and economic relations between the first and second spheres of the agro-industrial complex. It is very important not to distort the economic evaluation of reproduction factors with a view to timely making managerial decisions on the optimal provision of agriculture with the necessary production factors and increasing the efficiency of their use.


Reproduction, agriculture, reproduction factors, economic evaluation, reproductive process, indicators of resource use efficiency

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147124469   |   DOI: 10.15217/issn2587-666X.2017.6.112

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