Economic and financial aspects in projects of division into districts of Eastern Siberia in the 1920 years

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Projects of division into districts of Eastern Siberia in the 1920th are considered. The main approaches to a solution of the problem of public authorities, scientific community and practical workers are noted. The main attention is paid to economic and financial aspects of division into districts, discussed in public discussions, on pages of books and in printing editions. Most of participants of a discussion approved the project of division into districts providing close economic relations of the Irkutsk, Yenisei, Transbaikal provinces and the Buryat Mongolian autonomous republic (project of Leno-Baykal area). Categorical disagreement with this project was stated by representatives of BM of the ASSR. The author showed and analyzed arguments of participants of discussion. The conclusion is drawn that, despite not implementation of many provisions of projects of division into districts, the ideas and offers of that period were demanded during the subsequent periods.


Eastern siberia, projects of division into districts, economic and financial aspects, modern forecasts

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IDR: 142241394   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.3385

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