Experimental modeling of pecking with metal tools on sandstone from Shalobolino

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This paper offers the results of experimental research in 2012 which was aimed to study technological indications of rock art and possibilities of rock alteration for the support which is called red Devonian sandstone and widespread in Khakass-Minusinsk depression. The experiments allowed to show some technological evidences in specific conditions. The changes of experimental conditions such as tools morphology, properties of metals permitted to identify and differentiate some types of pecking traces and distinguish its traceological indications which can be found among the petroglyphs of Shalobolinskaya pissanitsa. Based on the results of experimental simulation we determined general morphological characteristics of the traces on the rock support identifying the techniques. Experimental simulation of pecking and traceological investigations of petroglyphs let us recognize some metal tools qualities which are necessary for creation of representations on these rock support. The results of field researches are compared with the results of previous investigations of earlier years. The paper identified the prospects for further experimental and technological study of rock art samples in Khakass-Minusinsk depression.


Khakass-minusinsk depression, red devonian sandstone, petroglyph, rock art, technique, tool, working part, shalobolinskaya pissanitsa, experiment technology, traceology, pecking, cupel, implement

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147218853

IDR: 147218853

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