Expert opinion about development of interethnic consensus in the South of Russia

Автор: Khunagov Rashid Dumalichevich, Zhade Zuriet Anzaurovna, Shadzhe Asiet Yusufovna

Журнал: Теория и практика общественного развития @teoria-practica

Рубрика: Социологические науки

Статья в выпуске: 8, 2016 года.

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The article is the third one in a series of works studying the ethno-social situation in the south of Russia (previous articles were published in the scholar journal “Theory and Practice of Social Development”, NN 5 and 7, 2016). Based on the results of the expert survey, the authors consider the features of inter-ethnic consensus development and the scenarios of ethno-social processes development in the South of Russia. Special attention is paid to the expert evaluation of the national policy effectiveness in the region. The paper examines common parameters of Russian ethnic groups with the focus on preserving the unity of the Russian state. It is concluded that it is necessary to apply an interdisciplinary approach to the study of regional complex self-developing socio-cultural systems.


Ethno-social processes, ethnic tensions, interethnic consensus, national policy, common parameters, patriotism, russian national identity, interdisciplinarity

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IDR: 14938712

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