«E-Government» as a tool to improve public authorities

Автор: Isoqov Afzal Fahriddinovich

Журнал: Мировая наука @science-j

Рубрика: Основной раздел

Статья в выпуске: 5 (38), 2020 года.

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Wide and efficient implementation of information communication technologies (ICT) within the concept of Electronic Government (EG) is one part of the complex of innovations in government management. In this paper we consider the research of EG implementation as a government management tool based on the experience of Russian Federation and Kazakhstan Republic. The author considers level of EG development in different regions of Russia, compares pace of EG development of Russia and Kazakhstan, finds out the reasons of uneven applying of EG in government management practices. This article is focused on the core idea of EG project within the context of social, economic and political changes, caused by implementation of information technologies as well as appearance of demand in information openness widening and needs of rising А.Т. Аманжолова 48 the quality of government services. ICT is considered as a factor of movement to the modern model of democracy, which includes free access to information and possibility to take part in management of government and non-government institutes for all citizens. In this paper the author demostrates the results of analysys of consitions of EG implementation, which need common efforts of government apparatus, public organizations and business representatives and citizens. The reasons of EG implementation resistance is taken in consideration as well. Relying on the experience of Kazakhstan Republic the author introduces stages of EG formating and development proceses, analyzes public opinion on that phenomenon within the country and in global society, researches correlation between EG implementation and age rate of citizens. The author considers the conditions, which are needed for productive using of Internet technologies in politics, explores mechanisms of citizens stimulation for creation of civil position and understanding of advantages of ICT using for realization their political rights and interests. It is concluded that for efficient implementation of Electronic Government concept it must be taken in consideration not only technological and financial opportunities of society, but type of local political system and level of political culture, as well as information and education accesebility.


Electronic Government, State, Management, ICT, Russia, Kazakhstan, Internet, Portal

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140293975

IDR: 140293975

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